
Saturday, April 26, 2014

A new beginning

The time has finally arrived.
I went last night to pick my second born up from my parents!!!!
Little sneak preview!!!

My father picked it up at the shop yesterday and we were able to work it out that I would meet them half way so that I could begin training on the bike I'll use this summer.  Now, I am well aware how crazy I sound talking about a bike as if it's a child, but it is my child. It's expensive, I have to take care of it, and lets be real it's the only thing I can currently be trusted with that can't die. I am so proud of this new addition. Sophie is, of course, slightly jealous because her cassette doesn't shine quite as bright, she's getting her old pedals instead of the clips, and she doesn't have disc brakes like the new bike, but we've talked and she's still going to be my awesome commuter bike.
I'm super stoked about my new ride and I now the biggest obstacle facing me is coming up with a name for this sweet bike! I'm thinking along the lines of Sylvester possibly Sylvie... we'll see after the first ride!

Keep moving on ya'll!


Saturday, April 19, 2014

42 and Something NEW

42 days and counting until June 1st!

This weekend absolutely flew by. I cannot believe that in 42 days I will be dipping my back tire into the Atlantic Ocean. Until then, I have alot of work to do.

I was able to order the bike of my dreams this weekend: A Surly Disc Trucker! I am very excited and I should be able to get her in the coming week!
I purchased my new ride at the awesome Mountain Sports Ltd. in Bristol, VA. They claim they are the regions largest outdoor outfitter and bike specialist, and I will have to agree. Everyone I worked with was VERY knowledgeable and more than willing to deal with my extreme neediness. So if you're in need of any type of outdoor gear head on down to Bristol. Their excellent customer service and amazing selection make it more than worth any travel time!

I was  able to organize for the yard sale I'm having on May 2&3rd. I forgot how much work it takes to organize a yard sale! I was folding and sorting clothes for hours on end. I was also able to organize my life, and send a few letters this weekend. I cannot remember the last time that I got a handwritten letter, it truly is a lost art. However, licking all the envelopes is not an art that I necessarily miss!
Letters were never ending today!

I hope you all had a great weekend as well!

Keep on moving,


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Biking the Country

Hello ya'll!!

This summer I am embarking on a fantastic adventure. 

I am going to bike the United States!!!!!

Yes, you read that correctly! I am going to pedal roughly 3,785miles from Yorktown, VA to San Francisco, CA. I am so excited about this journey, but I am even more excited to be doing it to raise awareness for Multiple Sclerosis.

The group I will be biking with is Bike the US for MS.

I am sincerely looking forward to this challenging ride and part of my duties, as a cyclist is to raise $1/mile that I'll be biking, so I need to raise around $3,800. I love this organization and it’s cause. This ride and group is near and dear to my heart, so I have upped my goal to $5,000.

Any and EVERY donation is greatly appreciated, but if you want some interesting facts and figures:
     ·    100 people donating 1 cent per mile ($38) will raise $3800
     ·    50 people donating 2 cents per mile ($76) will raise $3800
But remember NO donation is too small! This money is going to help out some amazing people and make their lives easier. 

If you are able to support me in reaching this goal you can make your tax-deductible donations using one of the following methods:

 1.    Write a check payable to Bike the US for MS and put my name (Lauren Boling) in the check memo line.  Mail the check to the address below.  Once the check is received by the organization, they will post the donation to this website. 

Bike the US for MS
PO Box 10001
Blacksburg, VA 24062

2.  Donate On-line using a credit card by clicking the orange DONATE button located at the top of my cyclist page ( Be sure to select Lauren Boling as the cyclist you are supporting.